- He dodged his military service. 他弄虚作假逃避了服兵役。
- He dodged military service during the war . 在战时,他逃避了服兵役。
- He dodged his conscience by being jerky and noisy. 为逃避良心的责备,他故意装出大大咧咧的样子。
- He still has to do his military service. 他仍须服兵役。
- He still has to do his military service . 他仍须服兵役。
- His military service was deferred until he finished college. 他去军队服役被推迟到念完大学。
- His military service was deferred. 他被允许缓期服役。
- Mr McCain invokes his military service in Vietnam, when he learnt to depend on something greater than himself. 麦凯恩喜欢谈论他在越南服兵役时的种种经历,他说正是在那时他学会了依靠比自身更伟大的事物。
- I admired him for doing his military service and was fascinated when he married his beautiful young wife, Priscilla. 我崇拜他当过兵,并且当他娶了年轻美丽的妻子普丽西拉时,我觉得他太棒了。
- John Kerry said Tuesday that President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have no standing in criticizing his military service and anti-war effort. 约翰·凯利周二表示,总统布什和副总统迪克·切尼无权批评他的戎马生涯和为反战所做出的努力。
- He dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt. 他闪身躲过了滚落的岩石,安然脱险了。
- He claimed a pension in virtue of his long military service. 他由于曾经长期服役而要求养老金。
- He dodged to left and right as the gunman opened fire. 持枪歹徒开火时他东躲西闪。
- He is exempt from military service. 他免服兵役。
- He dodged his conscience by being jerky and noisy 为逃避良心的责备,他故意装出大大咧咧的样子。
- He dodged cleverly when I threw my shoe at him . 我将我的鞋掷向他时,他机敏地躲开了。
- He was granted exemption from military service. 他获准免服兵役。
- He dodged cleverly when the police fired at him . 警察向他开枪时,他机警地闪开了。
- In 1979, following the end of his military service in Taiwan, Lee went to the US to study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 1979年,他结束兵役前往美国伊利诺斯大学学习。
- He dodged cleverly when I threw my shoe at him. 我将我的鞋掷向他时,他机敏地躲开了。